
Growth Strategies

Investment Strategy

Fundraising Strategy

Investment Opportunity

Our team

Kevin Wakeford

Executive Chairman

Governance capacity (Kevin Wakeford is a former CEO of the South African Chamber of Business – SACOB, Armscor and the Koega Development; and a Director of a number of listed and private companies, Kevin is an Executive Chairman of Mosamane.

Terence Nkhwashu


Terence Nkhwashu acted in Senior Leadership positions at ABSA, Anglo Platinum, Barloworld Motor and DNG Energy where he fulfilled the role of Executive Director in the Office of the CEO and was also responsible for Strategy and Planning and acted as Chief of Staff.

Wessel Venter


Wessel Venter, former CEO of Beehive Financial Services, Indlu Finance, Moyahabo Projects and acted in Leadership positions in the AHI (Both on local, provincial and national level) GrowSA)

Our Partners