Mosamane at the forefront of Agri-tech

The focus at Mosamane is on “intelligent sheep farming” vs conventional farming. Intelligent sheep farming places emphasis on technology, own feed production, genetics, and value chain management – from the gate to the plate. With RFID (Radio frequency identification systems) we are able to track and trace the genetics; health history and growth performance of …

The time is ripe to invest in the South African Agriculture space

COVID-19 and the subsequent pandemic, economic instabilities, geopolitics induced by the Russia-Ukraine war and climate changes have all contributed to the concern for food security evoked headlines. The most vulnerable to this crisis were smallholder farmers and small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), many of whom already lacked the necessary resources to reach their full potential. …

From Gate to the Plate

“From the gate to the plate”, these are the famous words of Kevin Wakeford, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mosamane Holdings.